This week has been crazy. We had transfers so I have a new companion.
His name is Elder Sullivan.
Some highlights from this week is that we got to speak on Sunday. We
spoke on the Plan of Salvation. It went pretty good.
On Saturday we went to Eagar so i could do a baptismal interview. That
went good. So far for our zone we have had 10 Baptisms for our zone.
We should have a couple more this week as well. Things are really
moving forward.
Cool experience this week with me. I was just feeling frustrated and
stressed this week. New companion and just a lot of change. Well i
felt a prompting to get into the book of mormon more. So instead of
reading it I am listening to it now on my iPad. As
I listen to it I feel the spirit in my life and I just feel calmer.
There is defenately a different feeling you feel after listening to
it. Sometimes when I read it I get distracted, but listening to it I
may not remember everything said but i do remember the feelings.
Well I dont have to much else to report on. This upcoming week we have
Zone Conference to look forward to! Well I love you all. Keep being
Elder Kennedy
Arizona Scottsdale Mission
6265 N. 82nd St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85250