Monday, March 24, 2014

Things starting to get rolling!‏

Hey Everybody,

The past couple weeks have been kinda rough. We haven't been able to teach that many people, havent been able to get members to lessons with us a whole lot, but during the last couple days things have been changing around alot. Veronica someone who was taught by other missionaries is finally being taught by us. When we went over she said she had been really sad and just not feeling very good. She said that when ever missionaries come over she feels really happy and peaceful. Also another potential investigator of ours Eugene "who is a really big black dude but is really nice and loves the gospel" said he wanted to come over when we taught veronica so he could learn with someone else. So we have 2 new investigators this week.

Another amazing blessing that came into our lives is Brother Snyder. We had been searching and praying for someone who would be able to go out to lessons with us more. Right as we were getting kinda mad Brother and Sister Snyder move in. They are the most awesome most missionary oriented people I know. They like the Dallas Cowboys alot so we are best friends. Brother Snyder said that if we ever need anyone to go with us to a lesson he would be there for us. Hopefully he becomes the new ward mission leader cause our one now is moving to the bahamas soon. 

Another Cool thing that happen this week is we were able to give a blessing to a professional baseball player. He played for the giants for like 6 years. His name is ryan cabins. He is a non member and he wanted a blessing. He is super spiritual and super prepared for the gospel. He said he would come to churhc but unfortunately didnt. He was let go from the giants like a month ago and is looking for a new team to play for. This is why he wanted a blessing to help give him comfort and peace as he tried to do what is best for his family. 

The Lord is blessing us for our dilligence in finding and teaching these people. The work is definately moving forward at a quicker pace. 

Love you all so much,
Elder Kennedy

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