Pretty good week! On Monday we had the first Family Home Evening in
McNary. There were not a lot of people that showed up. We played games
and had a spiritual thought. Hopefully we can get some more people
Tuesday we had a fantastic day of teaching. We met with a Less active
man in McNary. He mentioned how he is reading from the scriptures
regularly now. We shared the video about New Years with him and
helping him focus on the future and not so much the past. We also met
with a part member family. It was the first time we met in a couple of
months. That night we met with the Ohlaus and talked about family
history and temples a little bit. It went pretty good! They are coming
to church regularly and are asking some really good questions. Then we
met with Albert and Amanda. We talked a lot with them about using
Christ Atonement in their lives and changing their ways. It was pretty
Wednesday morning we did some service with Esau Anderson. We helped
him chopped some wood in blizzard conditions! Then we went to district
meeting! After district meeting we went out to eat at a local Chinese
place! We had some pretty delicious sushi! Then we did a service for a
less active family! After all this we went to the Addiction Recovery
Meeting we helped started in McNary. We are getting pretty good
attendance right now!
Thursday it snow almost 2 feet here so we had to stay inside. So I
just did a bunch of family history!
Friday we did a huge service project. We had to dig out wood at the
Ward wood pile and then split it. We then delivered it to 2 different
families out in McNary!
We had a bunch of other lessons this week! Not much else to report on!
See y'all in a couple weeks!
Elder Kennedy
Arizona Scottsdale Mission
6265 N. 82nd St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85250
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